The strength of the Turkish passport:

In light of the rapid growth witnessed by Turkey and the instability experienced by many countries, many investors resorted to obtaining Turkish citizenship in order to secure a living for themselves and their children, and to enjoy freedom of movement between different countries, as the Turkish passport occupies advanced ranks in addition to its expected speed of progress in light of The strategic plans developed by the Republic of Turkey, and the Turkish passport is ranked among the best passports in the world, as it ranks 50 out of 199 countries, according to the Henley Passport Index for the year 2023, and allows its holder to enter and stay in many countries of the world without hindrance. With the continuous development, the economic growth plan, and the approach to consolidating diplomatic relations adopted by the Turkish government, we do not rule out a day when we may see the Turkish passport among the list of the 10 best passports in the world, and if Turkey’s efforts are successful in its attempt to join the European Union and the Schengen area, this means | Turkish passport holders can travel without a visa to most countries inside and outside Europe.

Undoubtedly, Turkish citizenship and its new laws have done their work in the real estate market in Turkey, and it was the spark that ignited that market so that thousands of those whose dream was to obtain Turkish citizenship flocked to the countries of Anatolia, benefiting from the amendments that occurred to the Turkish Nationality Law, according to which the Turkish government opened The doors are wide open for those who wish to obtain Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport in exchange for real estate investment in Turkey.

What is the reason that drives foreigners to obtain Turkish citizenship?

1. The facilities provided by Turkey to investors and their families have greatly increased the demand for obtaining Turkish citizenship, in addition to the great advantages. . The prosperity, economic growth, and commercial activity in Turkey have prompted many capitals and investors to obtain citizenship and take advantage of promising opportunities.

2. Possessing Turkish citizenship for life, with the possibility of passing it on to newborns.

3. Exempting persons who obtained Turkish citizenship after the age of 22 from national service.

4. Enjoying all the rights of citizenship, candidacy and voting in all Turkish elections.

5. The right to benefit from all services provided to a citizen of Turkish origin, whether in the field of health, education, or otherwise. . Benefit from the Turkish retirement system after reaching the age of 60.

6. The possibility of practicing many professions prohibited to foreigners, such as medicine, law and pharmacy.

7. Possibility of obtaining job opportunities in government sectors and many facilities for investment and real estate ownership. . A foreigner who has obtained citizenship can invite his relatives and guarantee them obtaining a visa to visit this beautiful tourist country

What is the reason that drives foreigners to obtain Turkish citizenship?

1- The red Turkish passport:

All Turkish citizens and foreigners who obtain citizenship can obtain it, and it is called an ordinary or public passport. This passport is issued by the Civil Affairs Directorates in the Ministry of Interior or the consulates of Turkey abroad.

2- Turkish green passport:

It is the passport granted to people working in the state and their families according to the degree of kinship. Green passport holders can enter and exit most countries without a visa. The green passport is granted to former members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, former ministers, government officials and their children.

3- The black Turkish passport:

It is called a diplomatic passport, and it is a type of international identity document issued by the Ministry of the Interior. Its holder can enter any country around the world without the need for a visa. It is granted to members of the Turkish Parliament, ministers, the head of religious affairs, mayors, the city governor, the former president and former diplomats.

4- The gray Turkish passport:

This passport is granted to people who work for the state abroad or who represent Turkey in international organizations and young people over 25 years of age.

What are the factors that determine the strength of the Turkish passport:

The strength of the Turkish passport is determined according to several criteria, namely:

  • The number of countries that the Turkish passport allows entry without a visa and the allowed stay period.
  • The number of countries whose visa can be obtained electronically.
  • The number of countries that grant visa upon arrival.

Countries that allow the holder of a Turkish passport to enter without a visa and the period allowed:

There are 54 countries that the Turkish passport holder can enter without the need for a prior visa, and the permitted visit period ranges from one to three months, as follows:

Palestine – Jordan – Iraq – Lebanon – Libya – Qatar – Syria – Tunisia – Morocco – Argentina – Albania – Sultanate of Oman – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bolivia – Belarus – Chile – Brazil – Botswana – Dominica – Costa Rica – Colombia – Georgia – El Salvador – Ecuador Honduras – Haiti – Guatemala – Kazakhstan – Kyrgyzstan – Iran – North Korea – Japan – Jamaica – Malaysia – Macedonia – Kosovo – Mongolia – Moldova – Mauritius – Panama – Nicaragua – Montenegro – Philippines – Peru – Paraguay – Singapore – Serbia – Russia Ukraine – Thailand – South Africa – Venezuela – Uruguay

Countries that grant the holder of a Turkish passport a visa from the airport:

Bahrain – Kuwait – Armenia – Comoros – Mauritania – Sudan – Madagascar – Azerbaijan – Djibouti – Guinea – Indonesia – Cambodia – Nepal – Mozambique – Maldives – Togo – Tanzania – Tajikistan – Timothy East – Zambia – Uganda – Ivory Coast.

Countries that grant visas to Turkish passport holders online

These countries grant Turkish passport holders a visa to enter their territories electronically within two days, namely Mexico - Pakistan - Sri Lanka - Myanmar - Rwanda - Australia. There are many countries that impose entry visas on Turkish passport holders, including 25 countries of the European Union

Advantages of Turkish citizenship and Turkish passport:

Turkish citizenship is the dream of many people around the world, especially those who live in the Middle East, as they see in it their way to open up to the world away from the problems of their countries that hinder their work and future projects.

The most important advantages of Turkish citizenship:

  1. Obtaining a Turkish passport, which is classified as one of the most powerful passports in the world, and which helps you in movement, investment and living for foreigners whose countries are experiencing economic and political crises and instability.
  2. Enjoy full Turkish citizenship rights, such as the right to run for elections, free education in universities and schools, as well as free health insurance.
  3. Living in Turkey, which has witnessed a strong renaissance in all fields in recent years, is the most suitable place for many who wish to establish their businesses and ensure a better life for their families.
  4. Obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment or real estate ownership in Turkey guarantees citizenship for family members of the husband, wife and children under the age of 18.
  5. Possibility of obtaining an electronic visa within 48 hours to enter 6 countries.

The most important advantages of the Turkish passport granted to its holder:

  1. The Turkish passport is considered one of the most powerful passports in the world. According to the data of the Henley Passport Index for the year 2022, the Turkish passport ranked 53 after it was ranked 57 last year, passing some countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and Albania.

  2. People who hold a Turkish passport can travel to 110 countries in the world without a prior visa.

  3. Possibility of obtaining an electronic visa within 48 hours to enter 6 countries.

  4. Obtaining a 44-country visa upon arrival at the airport or crossings.

  5. The Turkish passport has different types, such as the red passport, the black passport, the green passport, and the gray passport, and each type gives its holder many different advantages.

Who is entitled to apply for a Turkish passport?

There are specific categories that are entitled to apply for a Turkish passport, but they are

. Turkish citizens or in the event of marriage to a Turkish citizen for a period of not less than 3 years, Turkish citizenship can be obtained and, accordingly, a Turkish passport.

Foreign investors who obtained Turkish citizenship through real estate ownership, a bank deposit, or direct investment.

It is noteworthy that the number of real estate investors who obtained Turkish citizenship from the beginning of the year 2017 to the middle of the year 2021 reached 17,968 investors from 122 countries around the world, according to what was announced by the Land Registry and Land Survey Directorate.

Ways to obtain Turkish citizenship

Perhaps what distinguishes Turkish citizenship most is the possibility of obtaining it in ways other than the traditional methods such as marriage or descent, and these exceptional methods include the following

1- Obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment:

Since 2017, there have been other options for obtaining Turkish citizenship. In this year, the Turkish citizenship law was issued for foreigners in return for investing in Turkey with certain amounts specified by the Turkish government. Then came the exceptional amendments of 2018 to the Turkish Nationality Law to become available to its seekers in exchange for buying a property in Turkey for an amount of no less than 250 thousand US dollars, with a pledge not to sell the property for at least three years, until the last amendment came in 2022, which provides for the possibility of obtaining citizenship In return for investing in real estate in Turkey with an amount of not less than 400,000 US dollars. There are also other conditions that must be taken into account when buying a property in Turkey for the purpose of citizenship, including conducting a so-called real estate appraisal in Turkey for the property by a reliable company.

2 - Obtaining Turkish citizenship through bank deposit:

And that is by depositing an amount of 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of the Turkish lira in a Turkish bank and not withdrawing it for at least three years, or buying bonds for an amount of no less than 500 thousand dollars and keeping them for at least three years, or investing an amount of 500 thousand dollars Or the equivalent of the Turkish lira, all of which are multiple methods that reach the same result

3- Turkish citizenship by providing job opportunities for Turkish citizens:

Also, securing job opportunities for 50 Turkish citizens guarantees the holder of Turkish citizenship in accordance with the Turkish Nationality Law and its amendments of 2018, after it was 100 workers before the amendment. This is done under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance.

Stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship:

These stages can be grouped into three:

1- The stage of obtaining a certificate of conformity :

The certificate of conformity is intended to know the extent to which the type of investment conforms to the requirements of nationality. How and where to obtain a certificate of conformity depends on the type of investment made by the foreigner. Certain bodies have been identified in order to assess the investment conditions and the extent to which they comply with the nationality requirements. These bodies include:

The Ministry of Industry and Technology in the case of fixed capital investment.
Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the case of real estate investment. 3 Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of International Manpower, Social Security Institution SGK, Revenue Department in case of applying for citizenship by providing job opportunities for 50 Turkish citizens.
Consumer Financial Relations Department, General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Immigration Management in the case of investing in Turkish banks through deposits.
In the case of investing in shares participating in a real estate investment fund or a capital investment fund, the concerned party is the central registration agency and the management of intermediary events in the Capital Markets Board of Directors.
Finally, in the event that the investment is through government bonds, the concerned party is the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. These authorities are designated to issue the certificate of conformity, without which no application for candidacy for Turkish citizenship can be submitted.

2- Obtaining a short-term residence permit:

بشكل عام، يجب على الأجانب الذين سيبقون في تركيا لفترة أطول من الفترة الممنوحة بموجب التأشيرة أو الإعفاء من التأشيرة أو لأكثر من تسعين يوما الحصول على تصريح إقامة. وبحسب القانون التركي، هناك العديد من تصاريح الإقامة التي يعتمد نوعها على أسباب القدوم إلى تركيا والإقامة فيها. وفيما يخص تصريح الإقامة التي يجب على المستثمر الحصول عليه من أجل الحصول على الجنسية هو تصريح إقامة قصير الأجل. حيث يتمتع المستثمرون بفرصة التقدم للحصول على تصريح إقامة قصيرة الأجل دون الدخول إلى تركيا من خلال نظام الإقامة الإلكترونية. يتم الانتهاء من الطلبات في غضون 90 يوماً على أبعد تقدير من تاريخ تقديم الطلب

3- Submitting an application for Turkish citizenship:

After obtaining a short-term residence permit and a certificate of conformity proving that the investment that the applicant will make is compatible with the conditions of Turkish citizenship, the investor can apply for Turkish citizenship for himself, his wife and children who are under 18 years old.

Applications are submitted to the special offices of the Immigration Department in Istanbul and Ankara; For other cities, this is done at the city’s Population and Citizenship Directorate.

The request is submitted by the committee formed by the concerned ministries to the Presidency Office, where the decision to grant citizenship is subject to the approval of the President of the Republic

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship:

After obtaining a short-term residence permit and a certificate of conformity proving that the investment that the applicant will make is compatible with the conditions of Turkish citizenship, the investor can apply for Turkish citizenship for himself, his wife and children who are under 18 years old.

Applications are submitted to the special offices of the Immigration Department in Istanbul and Ankara; For other cities, this is done at the city’s Population and Citizenship Directorate.

The request is submitted by the committee formed by the concerned ministries to the Presidency Office, where the decision to grant citizenship is subject to the approval of the President of the Republic

How to obtain a Turkish passport:

– First: An appointment must be booked by calling 199 or via the official website of the Turkish Nufus Department.

– Second: obtaining a receipt for the fees for issuing the Turkish passport by paying the passport fees through one of the branches of the PTT.

Third: Take the required papers and go to the Civil Status Department on the day and time specified when booking the appointment.

The papers required to obtain a Turkish passport:

3 biometric personal photos not more than 6 months old.
Turkish identity card and a copy of it.
Receipt of payment of passport issuance fees.
Completed application form with the correct data of the applicant.
Residency document, which is a paper that can be extracted from the e-government portal and shows the applicant’s residence information.

How long does it take to issue a Turkish passport?

The Turkish passport does not take long to extract, and the status of the passport can be tracked on the website of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs or through the Delete application, and the passport is delivered within 2-7 working days from the date of submitting the application via PTT to the specified address, and in the event It could not be delivered to the address mentioned in the application. It can be received from the nearest PTT branch within 10 days. If it is not received, it will be returned to the Directorate.

Countries that allow Türkiye passport holders to travel to without a visa

A Turkish passport holder can travel mostly to African and South American countries without a visa and can also travel to 11 European countries without a visa. These European countries are as follows:

Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine. Some countries grant a visa to the holder of a Turkish passport upon arrival in their lands, and these countries include Libya, the Sultanate of Oman, Australia and Kuwait.

Papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship:

The documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment can be listed as follows:

  • Application form.
  • Identity document to be obtained from the country of nationality of the investor.
  • If a person is married, a marriage certificate and an identity document are required for his wife and children under the age of 18.
  • Passport copies of all family members, translated and certified.
  • An official document showing the status of the divorced or widowed person.
  • Residence permit or tourist visa.
    Real estate value certificate from a licensed real estate appraisal company.
  • Stamped and documented bank receipts by the sending and receiving banks, which will be submitted within the naturalization file for viewing
    The value of the purchased property.
  • Earthquake insurance.
    2 personal photos of the investor and one photo of the seller.
  • In the event that the agent carries out the investment transactions, the original agency is translated and notarized.
    If the investor does not know the Turkish language, it is also necessary to seek the help of a sworn translator for translation during the transactions.

Duration of obtaining Turkish citizenship:

Obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment may take more than a year, but it can be obtained within 3-4 months when seeking the help of a strong and reliable real estate company with good experience in the legal field.

The most important procedures after obtaining Turkish citizenship:

After receiving the news of obtaining Turkish citizenship, you can start the procedures for obtaining Turkish kimlik, which are simple procedures that start with obtaining a document from the governor proving that you have passed all stages of Turkish citizenship, and then go to the Civil Status Department and apply for a Turkish identity.

And after obtaining the Turkish national number, it is possible to do any other work like other Turkish citizens, such as obtaining a Turkish passport or opening a new bank account, and so on.

Owning real estate is with you until obtaining Turkish citizenship:

Undoubtedly, foreign investors need strong and safe evidence in order to reach their goal, whether with regard to purchasing the necessary property or applying for Turkish citizenship, and in this regard, Tamleek Real Estate Company, with its integrated team and experience, whether in the real estate or legal field, provides everything that would facilitate matters. In front of the investor to reach a successful investment that enables him to obtain Turkish citizenship

Owning real estate is with you until obtaining Turkish citizenship:

In September 2018, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a decree granting Turkish citizenship to foreigners who own real estate / real estate in a total of

400,000 US dollars in Turkey, on the condition that they refrain from selling it for a period of 3 consecutive years.

After preparing all the papers and requirements from the foreign investor, buying the real estate property, and obtaining the title deed, Turkish citizenship can be obtained after only 90 days, because there is a special coordination office to follow up the naturalization transactions through ownership.

Yes, this can be done by making an official power of attorney in the Turkish embassies in your country to the legal team of Damas Turk, and we will take care of all the procedures for you.

Yes, Turkish law allows dual citizenship, but you must check with the responsible authorities in your country if this is allowed.

- Buying a property in Turkey with a value exceeding 400 thousand US dollars, instead of the previous value, which was estimated at one million dollars, and not selling the property within a period of no

Less than 3 years.

2- Depositing an amount of $500,000, up from $3 million in the previous law. 3- Investing in Türkiye with an amount of 500 thousand dollars instead of 2 million dollars. 4- Providing job opportunities for 50 Turkish citizens instead of 100 citizens.

  • Title deed document (Tapu).
  • Receipt of the amount paid for the property, which can be obtained through the bank.
  • passport.
    A valid residence permit in Türkiye.
    Address confirmation document.
    These papers are handed over to the Civil Status Department of the governorate in which he resides.

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